Title: The 5 Arashi Princesses
By: ArashiLovesYou (also in LJ account arashiforyou)
Genre: Humor/ TV show (is that a genre?)
Pairings: little every pairing possible.
Rating: PG
Summary: Arashi's latest episode on Arashi no Shukudai-kun...Arashi becomes Princesses?! The guest today is...Shun Oguri! Shun eats noodles in a particular way, Arashi trys different methods of fixing back pains. And Arashi dresses in...dresses!
Author's Note: Here is the final (and best) part of the story. It was really difficult to pick which princess they should portray as, so i did it based on looks, personality, and overall...who would look better XD. i'm sorry i couldn't use all the princesses, it was a real tough choice. Enjoy!
The 5 Arashi Princesses
Part 3 - Arashi Dolled Up
"Ah, I feel like my back is more sore than relief." Nino complained. Shun just rolled his eyes.
"Ok, so Shun...we've been wondering for awhile, but what is it that you wanted to 'do' with us?" Sho asked.
"You make it sound like I want something naughty." Shun laughed.
"Do you?" Jun asked, seeming eager.
"Of course he doesn't!" Aiba lightly smacking Jun's head.
"No, no." Shun waved his hand. "Lately, I've been into Disney."
"Oh really?" Sho raising his eyebrows.
"Yeah, I mean the songs. I've been watching the movies in english too." Shun explained.
"Oh, the original dub, you mean?" Nino asked.
"Yeah. Lately, I've been singing Disney songs in english." Shun nodded.
"Sounds hard." Ogura commented.
"You normally listen it in Japanese." Aiba pointed out.
"That's because it's easier to sing it in Japanese." Sho pointed at Aiba.
"What's your favorite song?" Jun asked. Shun bit his lip.
"That's tough, they're all good...but I like the songs in that movie Pocahontas." Shun said.
"Oh!" Ohno yelped, smiling.
"What?" Nino asked.
"I like that movie too." Ohno said. "In the begining, you see the Indians fishing." The audience giggled and so did Sho.
"I like to see Ohno sing Colors of the Wind." Sho said.
"That's what I want to see too." Shun nodded.
"Eh?" Ohno looked confused.
"I want you guys to sing with me." Shun confessed.
"Ehhh?!" Everyone cried.
Before they knew it, the 5 of them and Shun went to the back and quickly got ready for a Disney special. Ogura waited in the front, but he also had a costume on.
"Yeah, I get to be the prince." Ogura smiled, looked down at his tights and puffy shoulder pads. The audience laughed. "I thought I was over this."
Finally, the lights dimmed and the spotlight pointed at the door.
"Ok, everyone. Please welcome Snow White!" Ogura annouced.
At first, the door didn't open. Then, Shun Oguri slowly opened the door and the audience roared with laughter. Shun had a dark wig on, and someone powdered his cheeks and colored his lips red. The girls squealed as he walked in the small blue top and yellow dress.
"I only want to sing Disney songs, not dress as princesses!" Shun yelled.
"Snow White isn't hostile. Get into character." Ogura-san ordered. Shun groaned, but smiled.
"Please to meet you!" Shun grinned, and twirled his hands very femininely.
"And now please welcome, Cinderella!" Ogura continued.
The spotlight pointed at the door and Matsujun pushed the door opened. The girls went nuts as Jun smiled and spinned in a massive blue dress and white long gloves. He also had a blond wig, but you could see the black hair peeking out. He looked irritated, but he continued to twirl.
"Wow, it looks good on him." Shun looked up and down, hungrily.
"It is amazing, ne?" Jun confessed, looked at himself as well. "It's actually roomy underneath."
"Really?" Shun asked, but lifted Jun's skirt without asking.
Everyone saw a short glimpse of Jun's legs - bold, muscular, un-lady like legs.
"Stop that!" Jun pulled away and smacked his head. Shun's wig slipped off, showing a shorter-haired Snow White.
"Ok, next is all the way from Agrabah. Jasmine!" Ogura called.
The door opened by itself, and the person had his back to the audience doing a hip action. The girls laughed as Ohno tried to belly dance his way to the front. He was smirked and enjoying every motion. Jun and Shun were crying tears of laughter watching Ohno in a jade bra and long, heavy wig.
"Jasmine seems to have abs." Ogura stared.
"Jasmine is pretty tough, ne?" Ohno nodded.
"Can you do a Capoeira kick?" Jun asked.
Ohno smirked and stared at his feet. He suddenly back flipped and kicked in Capoeira style. Shun clapped while Jun laughed his ass off.
"Jasmine kicks butt, ne?" Shun nodded. "Such muscular arms."
"You don't mess with Jasmine." Ohno nodded, joining them.
"Ok, we've seen the first princess of Disney, a poor girl, and a buffed up princess. Next, from under the sea, Ariel!" Ogura annouced.
The door opened and out came Aiba, taking tiny steps in a tight green dress, purple bra, and a large red wig. The audience laughed as Aiba fell over since his dress was so tiny for him to move.
"This one is also buffed up." Ohno pointed.
"She can't even move." Jun nodded.
"This is impossible! How can anyone move like this?!" Aiba yelled.
"She's a mermaid. She swims." Shun said, making hand motions of swimming.
"But didn't she had a different dress? When she was human?" Aiba asked.
"Oh, yeah. She did." Jun nodded.
"This is more interesting." Ohno laughed.
Aiba tried to jump instead of tip-toeing to Ohno, but fell again. Aiba just sat on the step.
"This is so embarrasing!" Aiba laughed, covering his red face. "At least Jun looks pretty."
"Jun's always pretty, even without a dress." Shun pointed out. Jun tucked his hands under his chin, playing the character.
"Next is from our neighboring country of China. Please welcome, Mulan!" Ogura continued.
" 'WHO IS THAT GIRL I SEE!?' " Sho sang off tuned as he appeared.
The girls squealed again as Sho walked forward fully make-up with white powder, red lips, and black eye liner. The flowing pink silks cling to his manly structure.
"He kinda looks Chinese." Shun pointed out.
"Eh?" Sho smiled, being adorkable.
"And finally, from France, please welcome Princess Belle!" Ogura said.
The door didn't open.
"Huh? What's wrong?" Shun asked.
The door still didn't open. Ohno quickly opened the door and peeked inside. He closed the door and covered his nose. Everyone was giggling.
"What happened?" Jun asked, but was holding a laugh.
"My nose is bleeding." Ohno confessed. Sho, as Mulan, handed one of his pink silk scarf to Ohno.
"Come on out Nino!" Aiba called.
"Nino! Nino! Nino!" The audience chanted.
Finally, with drums rolling, the door opened. Everyone was squealing and laughing as Nino, in a beautiful yellow dress and long gloves, slowly walked towards the front. He also had brown wig, but his head was down - completely embarrased.
"Oh my god! Nino looks hot!!" Sho gasped, clapping.
"I need a tissue too." Jun said, covering his nosebleed like Ohno.
"Sugoi! His shoulders look good!" Aiba pointed.
"It's because he's not as muscular as us. That's why he looks good." Shun pointed out.
"Shut up!" Nino yelled.
"Maybe it's because he was woman in his past life." Sho added.
"Oh, yeah! Maybe it is that." Aiba nodded.
Nino couldn't help but smile, however he was trying to cover his face.
"Ok! All the princesses are out. Who would like to sing first?" Ogura asked.
"Wow, everyone looks so off, now I see." Nino confessed, looking at the muscular princesses.
"Ok, Nino. You're first." Ogura said.
"Eh? But I don't know how to sing it in english." Nino said, fidgeting with his curly hair.
"That's ok. Just read the signs." Ogura pointed at the staff, holding up the cue cards. "Here is Beauty and the Beast
, sung by Ninomiya. Here only in Arashi no Shukudai-kun. Douzo!!"
The music began before Nino could even gather what happened. He stared at the romanji lyrics on the cue cards and sang his best with a heavy accent.
" 'Tail as..o-old as tiiimoo. Tsung as oold as lime. Beauty and za Beeeeast.' "Nino sang. Shun was giggling.
"No more, please." Nino whined.
"I want to try." Aiba volunteered, but couldn't stand up. Sho helped Aiba up, but Aiba tripped again, landing on Sho.
"Ok, you two." Ogura said. "Sho and Aiba present to you...Part of Your World!"
Sho and Aiba quickly stood up and stared at the cue cards.
" 'I don't know when...' "Sho sang, with good pronounciation. Aiba struggled.
" 'I...I...I DON"T....no how' "Aiba sang, off tune. Nino giggled, Ohno's hand around his waist.
Sho and Aiba was in sync yet off tune.
" 'But I know something starting right nooow!' "
"Oh, they're good." Jun commented.
" 'Watch and you seeee.' " Sho sang, with a deep voice.
" 'Someday I beee...' "Aiba sang, in a high voice.
" Part of your world." They sang, Sho doing his two finger salute.
"Wow, that was good!" Shun clapped.
"Are you kidding? I was trying to sing high like Ariel, but this Mulan was singing in such a deep voice." Aiba complained.
"Mulan seems to be a man after all." Ogura said. Sho saluted again.
"Riida, you next." Nino pushed Ohno, but Ohno grabbed Nino with him.
"Ok, you two...A Whole New World." Ogura said.
"But I already sang." Nino whined.
"Sing with me." Ohno said, grabbing his hand.
"It would seem romantic, ne?" Shun nodded.
The music started, and Ohno was leading.
" 'I can Sho you za wood.' "Ohno tried singing in english. But everyone was laughing at his attempt. But when Nino sang...
" 'A durzing place I nava nooo.' "Nino sang in such a high voice, it was like watching a real male and female duet.
" 'Weeth you and meee.' " They ended, and everyone clapped in the end.
"Sugoi! Nino's voice was so high." Shun clapped.
"But shouldn't Ohno sing the girl part. He is Jasmine." Jun pointed out.
"Jasmine is manly." Ohno said, pouting.
"Shun and Jun, sing Colors of the Wind." Ogura ordered.
"Oh, I love that song." Shun said, getting excited.
"Eh?! I don't want to sing." Jun complained.
"But Jun, you look so pretty." Ohno said. Jun twirled as a reply to the complement.
" ' You can paint with the colors of the wind!' " Shun sang, in perfect tune and pronounciation. Jun's jaw was hanging.
"Sugoi!" Jun mumbled.
"Well, that's all for today. Princesses, say goodbye." Ogura said, waving at the camera.
"Ja ne!" Jasmine smiled. (Ohno)
" 'WHO IS THAT GIRL I SEE?' " Mulan sang, saluting with two fingers. (Sho)
"Bye bye!" Ariel waved, but fell backwards. (Aiba)
"Ja nee!" Belle waved elegantly. Ohno came from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder. (Nino)
"See you next week." Cinderella spinned. (Jun)
"Thank you!" Snow White twirled his hands. (Shun)
"Why do I work with these bakas?" The Prince asked a retorical question. (Ogura-san)
Thanks for reading! I tried my best to describe how the would look like in dress. if only i could draw it. and i'm sorry i didn't make them sing as much. i try to imagine how they would sound like singing in english. it's hard. well, again thanks for reading!
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